Unlocking Affordable Housing: Jeremy Hoffman’s Path and Insights
Affordable housing is a hot topic, especially in high-cost areas like California. In a recent episode of SF Commercial Property Conversations, Bruce Bean sat down with Jeremy Hoffman, principal at Zen Development Consultants, to delve into the challenges and solutions within this critical industry.

Is it Time to Rock and Roll on Resyndications Again?
ZDC is helping a bunch of clients review their year 15 portfolios for resyndication opportunities. Here are some sage words of advice from one of our experts.

Zen Development - Helping to Rebuild from the 2018 Camp Fire
Zen Development (“ZD”) is pleased and honored to be playing a leadership role in replacing the vast quantity of affordable housing that was destroyed. Together with our partners, ZD has over 400 new senior and family LIHTC apartments in its development pipeline, with the first phase under construction and delivery of all 400 expected over the next 4 years.

ZDC puts the “Fun” back in Funding Applications
The Zen team is all about staying calm under pressure and keeping stress at bay while also paying attention to the details – putting the “fun” back in funding applications.

Jesse OZ’s Top 10 Tips for Project Managing a Successful Closing
Jesse Ozanian from the ZDC team has been slaying the closings this year, knocking out construction closings and perm conversions like hotcakes.