ZDC puts the “Fun” back in Funding Applications
ZDC tackled a lot of funding applications in 2021, including:
Six HCD Infill Incentive Grant applications
One HUD 202 application
One 9% LIHTC application
Five 4% LIHTC/bond applications
Five AHP applications
Two HCD Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) applications
Two HCD Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP) program applications
One LA County Development Authority application
Several city NOFA applications
…and we are just getting started! ZDC has been bringing additional hands on deck (12 in total now) so we can handle more application volume than ever before in 2022. Our latest addition to the team is Christina Duran, who spent the last 15 years as ED of the NYC Department of Housing Preservation. Christina literally wrote the book (i.e. the QAP) on NYC’s LIHTC and Year 15 Programs and together with her staff reviewed nearly every LIHTC application in the City. Christina will be playing a key role in doing a cross-check review of all the apps the ZDC team assembles, as well as pushing out her own applications by the drove. And do we whine and complain and call it a drag? No! We love it. The Zen team is all about staying calm under pressure and keeping stress at bay while also paying attention to the details – putting the “Fun” back in funding applications.
We are already planning on plenty of LIHTC apps and at least five HCD Super NOFA apps, among others. Let us know if we can help with your application work in 2022!
Zen Sawyer
Zen Development Consultants LLC